2021 River Symposium Exhibitor List
Susquehanna Greenway Partnership
The Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) works to convene partners and assist communities in envisioning, implementing, and celebrating projects that connect them to the river and to each other.

Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership
The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership is a collaborative effort of national, regional, state and local agencies, conservation organizations, outdoors, enthusiasts, businesses, and citizens committed to improving Pennsylvania’s communities, economy, and ecology by planting 10 million trees throughout the Commonwealth

Buffalo Creek Watershed Alliance
The purpose of the Buffalo Creek Watershed Alliance (BCWA) is to encourage ecologically responsible stewardship of Buffalo Creek, its tributaries, and the environment within its watershed. BCWA is part of The Merrill Linn Land and Waterway Conservancy.

Merrill Linn Conservancy
The Merrill Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy is a Lewisburg based land trust with the mission of preserving and protecting the natural beauty and diversity of the region through partnerships with landowners and other private or governmental organizations. We also seek to engage the public in outdoor events and in areas of local environmental concern.

PA Trout Unlimited
The PA Council of Trout Unlimited consists of 49 chapters containing over 17,000 members across the state with the common goal of protecting and conserving Pennsylvania’s coldwater ecosystems and the fisheries they sustain, especially our native and wild trout populations.

Susquehanna River Basin Commission
The SRBC leads the conservation, development and administration of the Susquehanna River Basin’s resources that help to preserve and enhance value as a scenic and recreational asset for the people who live in the basin.
Chesapeake Conservancy
The Chesapeake Conservancy serves as a catalyst for change, advancing strong public and private partnerships, developing and using technology, and driving innovation throughout our work. We empower the conservation community with access to the latest data and technology.